Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Carmen Gimenez Smith

"I want my problems to be Wallace Stevens, but they’re Anne Sexton."

I love the above statement; I feel like I get it, tho I'm not feeling able to articulate why this is the case; I suspect if I tried to, it'd become clear how much I don't get it. 

Maybe I love it because it suggests just how marvelous Stevens' poems are, that even when one wants to dislike him/them, one can't quite, seemingly, get there.  This tho is conjecture, as Gimenez never says she finds his poems amazingly/wonderful, only that Sexton is, apparently, more problematic for her.

Oh, I now feel the quotation is unclearly written: does Smith mean she wants her problems to be those which are consonate with ones Wallace Stevens had, but instead she's stuck with AS's?  Or does she mean she wishes her gripes n grapples are with Wally, but they're with Sexton's?  My confusion stems from whether one is meant to, implicitly, put a "with" in-between "be" and "Wallace."

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