Thursday, May 14, 2015

Another Viewpoint on MG, Blah To This

Naizgroth 1 day ago
"This is the reason why men tend not to respect women... decades of dumb slutty shit like this, that has indoctrinated good women into materialistic whores.. She's basically calling herself a prostitute.. Buy her shit, than she'll fuck you... Stupid.. I feel bad for those who live by this creed, always seeking out men with money to fulfill that never ending void via materialism which never works... WHy couldn't she have died young (preferably before this song) like all the other dumb artists.."
I am too lazy to respond to all the points raised here except for the final musing: "WHy couldn't she have died young (preferably before this song) like all the other dumb artists.."  My response to this is--because she's so smart she's lived and lived and lived on.

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